Limiting alcohol, reducing sodium intake, and increasing dietary potassium intake can all help. Losing weight also can be important in a lot of different people. The first, and perhaps most important, is to stay physically active. A few ways have been shown scientifically to reduce blood pressure. A lot of people want to avoid medication if they can, when trying to reduce their blood pressure. How can I lower my blood pressure without medication? So it is critically important to both be consistent with decreased sodium intake and patient when assessing for improvement. Following dietary sodium restriction, it may take some time, even weeks, for the blood pressure to improve and stabilize at a lower range. Many though, will benefit from a target of less than a 1000 milligrams per day. Therefore, an effective target to consider for those people is less than 1500 milligrams per day. In many people, dietary sodium intake is though relatively high. And those people further restriction of dietary sodium would not necessarily be helpful or even recommended. It's important to note that some people with high blood pressure already consume a diet significantly restricted in sodium. Should I restrict salt to reduce my blood pressure?

Finding and treating the underlying cause of labile blood pressure can significantly improve the condition. For those who develop labile blood pressure, heart problems, hormonal problems, neurological problems, or even psychological conditions might be present. This pattern of abrupt changes in blood pressure from normal to quite high is sometimes referred to as labile blood pressure. What could be causing my blood pressure to be quite erratic? Your blood pressure monitor should be checked for proper calibration every year. After resting for five minutes, at least two readings are taken one minute apart in the morning prior to medications and in the evening before the evening meal. Your arms should be supported on a flat surface. To prepare for the measurement, you should be relaxed with your feet on the floor and legs uncrossed, and your back supported for at least five minutes.

It's best to avoid caffeine, exercise and, if you smoke, smoking for at least 30 minutes. So it's important to measure the blood pressures in the arm with the higher readings. Many people have a slightly higher blood pressure in one arm versus the other. Measuring your blood pressure at home is a straightforward process.

What is the best way to measure my blood pressure at home? And I'm here to answer some of the important questions you might have about hypertension. Leslie Thomas, a nephrologist at Mayo Clinic.